Adult Behavioral Health

woman sharing in group therapy

CIFC Behavioral health is here for you. You don't need to be experiencing a crisis to seek treatment or help for your behavioral health. Whether you are dealing with anxiety, depression, or feelings you can't even name, when they start to affect your daily life, it is wise to seek treatment. At CIFC Health, we aren't looking to just medicate you into stability. Rather, we utilize a range of therapies and treatments centered around you to ensure the most effective results. 

If you are having behavioral health issues and would like to seek treatment, call CIFC Health to set up an Initial Intake Assessment and/or Psychiatric Evaluation. The sooner you get help, the sooner you can return to living life to the fullest. 


Man and women on couch talking to therapist

Individual Therapy

Group Therapy

Couple's Therapy

Family Therapy

Psychiatric Evaluation & Medication Management